Roth Conversions in 401k Plans

Help for 401k plan sponsors and retirement professionals.

Newsletter for March 11, 2013

With the explosive growth of government and private internet sites containing information, opinion, marketplace news, court cases, and other 401k and 403(b) resources, your challenge to identify salient information and issues that really matter is greater than ever. That's where excels. From the vast electronic domain, we automatically search, review, classify and publish information relevant to you and the industry. This weekly newsletter is just one method we utilize to circulate the information we locate. It is a free service to our users.

Newsletter Sponsor

401k Averages Book 13th Edition – Updated and Newly Released Fee Benchmarking Book

Want to become a "subject matter expert" on 401k fees? Use the 401k Averages Book to better understand investment, recordkeeping, revenue sharing expenses for all size 401k plans. The newly released and updated Averages Book is the leading source available for non-biased, comparative 401k fee information. It is designed to provide professionals with essential fee information to help their clients determine if their plan costs are above or below average. Click here for more information.

General Items

Roth Conversions in 401k Plans

Summary: With an increasingly murky tax horizon, companies sponsoring 401k plans might be looking for ways to provide participants with more flexibility in managing their tax exposure when taking plan distributions. This article provides an overview of the differences between pre-tax and Roth contributions, and summarizes the main features of this new Roth conversion option.


How to Choose Between a Roth 401k and a Roth IRA

Summary: If the prospect of tax-free retirement income cinches the argument for you, you might have two Roth options. To make your decision, it helps to get a handle on the differences between the two types of accounts. And there are several.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting Vendors

Summary: Advising companies that sponsor a 401k plan has become a more popular business model, and though it is a model that can offer benefits and opportunities different from those of a typical advisory business, there are also distinct responsibilities and challenges that must be met. One of the major roles of a 401k plan financial adviser is vendor selection.

Source: (free registration may be required)

Compliance and Regulatory Related

401k Plan Financial Statement Oversight: Start with the Low Hanging Fruit

Summary: How can a fiduciary be "on top of their game"? The answer to this question should ultimately result in having a comprehensive and robust process at the plan to deal with the various fiduciary issues that face the plan. Notwithstanding this robust process, one easily implemented process is to identify "low hanging fruit," or obvious potential issues in a plan's financial statements, which could trigger challenges to the fiduciary with respect to their responsibilities over the plan. This paper provides three examples of such low hanging fruit, for which plan fiduciaries should be mindful, when reading their plan's publicly reported financial statements.

Source: WithumSmith+Brown PC

DC Disclosure Rules Do Little to Improve Participant Knowledge

Summary: Fully half of defined contribution participants still do not know how much they pay in fees and expenses, even after the implementation of new fee-disclosure regulations last year, according to a new survey from Limra. Prior to the disclosure notices, 50% of participants in a survey did not know how much they paid in fees and expenses; the same percentage still does not know. There was some improvement elsewhere, however.


Terminating a Retirement Plan - Part 1: Steps Involved

Summary: There are several occasions when business owners consider terminating their retirement plan. But terminating a Plan is a drastic step. Take a couple of minutes to consider some of the alternatives outlined here that may prove to be easier and less expensive than moving forward with terminating your retirement plan.


403(b) Plans

Helping Your 403(b) Plan Stay Healthy

Summary: 403(b) plan sponsors are again interested in reviewing their plan designs. This time it isn't because they have to; rather, plan sponsors are looking to further clean up the initial steps that were taken just a few years ago. This additional work is based on their own experience with compliance under the final regulations, as well as the administrative lessons they've learned.


Fiduciary Material and Insight

How Does Your Investment Committee Stack Up?

Summary: Despite the best efforts of investment committees, internal group dynamics can sometimes lead to questionable choices that hamper their fiduciary responsibility of ensuring that their organizations meet their financial obligations, according to a Vanguard survey.


Symptoms That Your Retirement Plan Might Be in Trouble

Summary: When it comes to being a retirement plan sponsor, there are issues that are symptoms of a greater harm. If you nip things in the bud, you can avoid liability later. So this article is about symptoms that can detect whether your plan may be suffering from a larger problem that can increase your potential liability as a plan sponsor.

Source: The Rosenbaum Law Firm

Items of Special Interest to Advisors

SEC Seeking More Data on Uniform Fiduciary Standard

Summary: The Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday called for more information from industry members and other stakeholders about the potential impact of its proposal to apply a uniform fiduciary standard of care to broker-dealers and investment advisors who provide advice to retail customers.


Top Five Retirement Issues

Summary: To help advisors bring clarity to their clients' retirement plans, reporter talked to several of the main players on the retirement stage to get their thoughts on the big challenges of modern retirement. Here are the five.


The Building Blocks of a Successful Retirement Plan Practice

Summary: Too many retirement plan providers such as financial advisors and third party administrators suffer in their business because they don't know the good building blocks in assembling a retirement plan practice. This article is all about the good fundamentals and building blocks in assembling a retirement plan provider practice.

Source: Rosenbaum Law Firm

Retirement Plan Advisers Undercharging

Summary: When it comes to retirement plans, reps need to start getting paid what they're worth. That's the consensus a group of broker-dealer executives reached on a panel at the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries' 401k Summit.

Source: (free registration may be required)

Insights: Studies, Research and White Papers

Service Provider Reviews Don't Lead to Greater Turnover

Summary: Through requests for proposals, comparative benchmarking and renewed scrutiny of current providers, plan committees and sponsors are endeavoring to learn if they are paying too much for administrative services. Yet one report finds that, due in part to commoditization of 401k product and service offerings, more sponsors than ever are staying with their current providers, especially after participating in a final presentation with an existing TPA under review.


2012 Year in Review, Trends in Employee Financial Issues

Summary: After starting the year with a significant backslide in financial wellness, employees regained some of their financial footing and closed out the year slightly behind 2011, though still ahead of 2009 and 2010. The most substantial decline occurred in the area of cash management.


401k Plan Fees Declined -- Slightly -- in 2012

Summary: The average total plan cost and average investment expenses for 401k retirement plans fell slightly in 2012, according to the newly published 13th edition of the 401k Averages Book, an annual overview of plan benchmarks.

Source: Society for Human Resource Management

Every Woman Needs Her Own Retirement Strategy

Summary: The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies has uncovered the fact that nearly half of women (48 percent) do not have any retirement strategy at all, despite the fact that 56 percent of women expect to self-fund their retirement through 401ks, retirement accounts, or other savings and investments. The Center's latest study, "Juggling Current Priorities and Long-Term Security: Every Woman Needs Her Own Retirement Strategy," sheds light on women's attitudes and behaviors related to saving and planning for retirement, and offers details about how they compare to their male counterparts.


401k Wellness Scorecard

Summary: The latest 401k Wellness Scorecard reveals quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year trends in plan participant behaviors along with employers' adoption of 401k design features in plans serviced by Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Source: Bank of America

Court, Legislative and Washington DC

Tax Reform Still Very Much Alive

Summary: If you think Washington's struggle with the fiscal cliff back in December and the sequester brouhaha in recent weeks has derailed efforts on Capitol Hill to tackle tax reform, think again Brian Graff warns.


No Fiduciary Liability for Failing to Pay Required Employer Contributions to Plan

Summary: A recent Federal Appeals Court decision out of Florida confirmed prior court decisions that plan fiduciaries are not subject to fiduciary liability for failing to make employer required contributions to the plan.


Fidelity Faces More Complaints About Float Income

Summary: Three Massachusetts residents accused Boston-based Fidelity on Thursday of using income generated from retirement fund assets to offset Fidelity's own operating expenses. Their lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Massachusetts, seeks class-action status for participants in 401k plans sponsored by EMC Corp, Bank of America Corp and Safety Insurance Company. Fidelity denied any wrongdoing.


Prime ERISA Areas for Supreme Court's Review

Summary: This article focuses on four distinct areas of ERISA litigation that are in need of clarification by the Supreme Court during the current or upcoming terms. This includes the evidence to be considered in a benefits denial claim under the de novo standard of review; the standard of review in a breach of fiduciary case where a profit sharing plan invests in employer stock that is declining in value (i.e., "stock drop" cases).


Marketplace News

Lincoln Engages Drinker Biddle to Create Resources on In-Plan Guarantees

Fiduciary Trust Appoints Jeffrey MacDonald Managing Director to Offer e-Signatures for Retirement Software

Brian Flanagan Joins Newport as Regional Director

Fidelity Reports 34 Percent Increase in 2012 Small to Mid-Market DC Sales

American Wealth Launches Online 401k Platform Tailored to Small Business

401k Advisor Leadership Award Winner Named

MassMutual Retirement Hires Managing Director

Lincoln Trust Rolls Out Fiduciary Risk Management Solution

LPL Launches Worksite Financial Solutions Platform

MPI Introduces Target-Date Fund Research Tool

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